Wisdom in the most uncanny places.
In the words of a gay masseuse found at a beach-front restaurant:
Me: So do you ever wish to have a family of your with a long-term partner?
GAY MASSEUSE: Oh you mean, have a family, husband, wife, partner..that kind of stuff?
Me: Yes, that's it. We're opening up a little over here in S'pore, right?
GAY MASSEUSE: Well, everyone probably wants to seek love, be loved and in return, to love. I guess, I would to but you see, it sometimes does get a little complicated. Nobody's perfect, I'm not. But responsibility, that's what it takes to be in a relationship.
Me: Yes, I agree with you. So many things can happen any time...
GAY MASSEUSE: Yes, tests..we're constantly going to be God, if you believe He exists.
Me: But still, you have not answered my question. Do you wish to be in a relationship?
GAY MASSEUSE: I am in one, the permanent kind. Everything else is not. Transient.
Me: Oh?!
GAY MASSEUSE: You see, I've been in a relationship with God. Since I was six or seven. I've been talking to Him. I've asked Him everything imaginable. I can talk to him anywhere, at anytime. Though I can't hear Him talk back, but He's there all the time. You know, I can even talk to him in the bathroom if I need to.
Me: You asked Him questions since you were that young?
GAY MASSEUSE: Since I realised I was different.
Me: And you're not angry? Not angry at Him for allowing you to be different?
GAY MASSEUSE: No, there can only be Love. Anger hurts, kills, destroys. Especially since we all make mistakes too. I was angry earlier on but I'm 44 now and I can't remain angry still. I'm trying my best. There'll be one last question standing for Him. The day I die, I want to know from Him, if I did ok here, whilst I was on this Earth.
Me: for thought. Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me. I'd never imagine I'd hear this here..from you. But thanks anyway. Think I've found my answer for tonight. I'll try to remember it.