Friday, August 18, 2006

I'll let you in on a secret...

I was in real, deep, trouble today. The kind of trouble that would make my in-laws curse at me!


All of you are probably squirming in your seats wanting to know what happened or what I did, right?


Good for you.

Curiosity kills the cat, the cat owner and Mother Goose too.

But like you, I will be as equally curious if you quietly sidle up to me saying you're about to let me in on your secret, right?

So, what's your best-kept secret? Come now, don't be shy.

You ask, "What's the best-kept secret I've heard?".

That must be the time I found out that my mother was so jealous of an unmarried but close family friend that she told her to stay away from my father. I remembered nodding my head, confirming what I've known all along, that my mother is prone to the NOT-so-occasional bouts of neurosis. That poor lady's done nothing.

"What's the next best-kept secret I've heard?"

That a certain handsome rouge rugby player who rides a Harley, once thought, I was not only intelligent but attractive in a sexy sort of way..Ah, just thinking about that makes me smile a wide, pearly smile.

Anyway, here was what I was about to do no more than a few moments ago...

I hardly have any spare cash at this moment in time but I thought of secretly abandoning everything this weekend; work, meeting, home and kids...and run away on a plane to meet the man of my dreams, literally, the man of last night's dream.

Don't know what overcome me, but to TIGER AIRWAYS' website I went, and almost purchased that ticket..

I admit, I finally admit...


Alas, the strong, almost indestructible, MAMAGORI has finally succumbed to her quiet longing for her 'back-up', 'extra pair of hands', 'not-so-crucial-kind' of husband. You see, I finally have to swallow my words; "It's ok bang. No sweat, I'll be ok. Bibik is here to help me."

I need you back here now because I've not banked in the cheques from the last four weeks, not mailed the snail mail with our cheques for the bills, can't find the letterbox keys and almost forgot to empty the bucketful of drainage water from the YAKULT fridge at the office. Help, I need your help, that and your tender loving care too.


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